DM Application

DM application is an enterprise platform that houses submitted government agency requirements and manages users’ participation in the MF initiative. MF initiative is the innovative program focused on improving quality of health care while reducing cost.

To comply with my non-disclosure agreement, I have omitted and obfuscated confidential information in this case study. All information in this case study is my own.

My Role:

As lead designer, I was responsible for understanding the current state of the TechZone’s existing application. I applied using the design thinking through user research with stakeholders to uncover their pain points and their users.

  • Qualitative Research & Analysis
  • User Journey & Personas
  • Low & High fidelity designs
  • Prototyping
  • Created Design system
  • Usability Testing


  • TechZone received an award.
  • Onboarded 3 programs successfully.
  • User’s onboarded with ease with better experience.
  • For MVP, we resolved 85% of TechZone users' pain points.


Programs Onboarded


Active Users

TechZone programs are onboarded to different platforms creating lack of consistency and poor user experience for their users.

There are different layers and many moving parts when dealing with an enterprise application. Delivering this new application to TechZone in 4 months for the first launch is even more challenging but exciting at the same time. My team and I got right to work.

DM application dashboard displayed in a laptop

Collaboration was every critical to creating a new application. During the discovery phase, my team and I worked with ABC company for knowledge transfer and to understand the Snag application (current system) and identify other systems involved.

I analyzed the key areas that present challenges to the users and opportunities for improvement. This critical component allowed me to create a persona for TechZone admins and their users.

user personas
image of a whiteboard exercise

My team and I had few brainstorming sessions using the white board to synthesize all the data and information gathered.

Collaborated with stakeholders, product analysis team, and program manager to prioritize features to define the Minimum Valuable Product (MVP).

Started created some low-fidelity mockups

low fidelity mockup image
low fidelity mockup image
low fidelity mockup image
low fidelity mockup image
low fidelity mockup image
low fidelity mockup image

Turned the low-fidelity into high-fidelity mockups

Landing Page

landing page image of DM application
landing page image of DM application
landing page image of DM application

Registration flow starts with an email invite

Login Flow

What we did during user research


  • Moderated user interview in a focus group setting, remotely.

  • We had three sessions total and lasted about 2 hrs. I interviewed 2 to 3 people in each organization who where involved in using the current application. This was a focus group because each organization wanted some of their colleagues involved in the user interview and were excited to be included in the process of the new application.


  • Videoconferencing using Zoom


  • To understand our clients’ users’ current pain points.

  • To get feedback on the new designs that have been done thus far.


  • Two of my colleagues assisted with system demo.


  • 3 organizations

  • 13 participants

Here are some question samples I asked during the interview.

  • Tell me about your organization?

  • How do you use the current system?

  • What would you change about the process?

  • What’s working for you about the process?

  • What is your thought on the new designs?

Captured users' journeys on the Snag application using the journey map

image of a journey map

The new designs of DM application presented to users for feedback

User research results:

  • Users were happy that TechZone involved them in the redesign process of the Snag application.

  • The DM application designs has addressed 85% of users pain points.

  • Users are excited about giving access to other team members within their organization.

  • TechZone users wants to continue their invovlement through usability testing.

Key insights from usability testing

Total of 7 Testing Sessions

    Round 1: 4 sessions
  • 4 moderated, remote via zoom
    • Round 2: 3 sessions
  • 3 moderated, remote via zoom
    1. Users said it was easy to use.
    2. They love that they can do everything in one application; no more keeping up with different passwords.
    3. Easier access for other members through invitation.
    4. Users needed two features to speed up their process when managing groups, which wasn’t part of MVP.




    Usability Tests


    Feature Iterations


    New Features